MSSP on the Rise

As I delved into the insights presented in the new "Security as a Service 2023" report, I could not help but recognize the seismic shift occurring across industries in the realm of cybersecurity consumption. The new study explores critical insights gathered from 373 decision-makers across the D-A-CH region. These experts span the spectrum of IT security, from C-level executives to IT departments. The findings reveal the top challenges companies face in IT security, including the ever-growing threat of complex cyberattacks, issues related to data valuation, and securing cloud data. Although the report contains much wider findings, in this blog I would like to share my thoughts on the cloud, the influence of external environment on ‘digital availability’ and the significant opportunity for Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs).


It is increasingly hard to find any organization which outright rejects the notion of the cloud. Despite wide variations in terms of progress, most organizations are already finding themselves engaged in some stage of their cloud migration journeys. And yet, no matter how hard they try and how meticulously they prepare to choose the one ‘ideal’ cloud to serve all their needs, statistics are very clear – for a variety of different reasons approximately 80% of organizations ultimately end up in a multi-cloud environment, and when you multiply your clouds, you multiply your cybersecurity challenge.


The conflict in Ukraine changed it all, with impact felt across the globe. The motivation for cybercrime shifted from financial gain to political motivation and hacktivism. Attacks became larger, more frequent, and more sophisticated, resulting in a significant rise in the number of cybersecurity incidents managing to circumvent existing cybersecurity capabilities and disrupt or cripple business continuity.

In addition, the number of applications consumed by organizations are increasing geometrically. For example, the recent COVID pandemic made it noticeably clear that unless you are able to transact in the digital domain, your survival is under threat. Organizations scrambled for e-commerce capabilities to the point where today it is close to impossible to find any organization, which does not completely depend on some core set of applications critical to their existence. Like the finest of racehorses, DevOps teams are galloping to outpace their competitors with development of new features, new capabilities and more sophisticated supply-chain ecosystems spiraling out of control driven by the notion of innovation over security.


Multicloud adoption accelerating… Threat sophistication on the rise… Complexity of supply-chain ecosystems increasing… Unfortunately, with over three million open cybersecurity positions worldwide struggling to find skilled professionals, it is clear the cybersecurity people market is in a major struggle to keep up with demand and the situation is getting worse. It has become impossible or extremely costly to source experienced cybersecurity talent needed to address the threat in-house.


I am absolutely convinced MSSPs are at the very core of our ability to source effective cybersecurity measures to help us navigate through the paradigm shift. An increasing number of senior business and cybersecurity decisionmakers are very vocal about the inevitability of IT departments transforming from their current form towards a predominant ‘vendor management’ function as part of a new reality, where 80%+ of all IT functions are outsourced. For reasons outlined earlier, adoption of outsourced cybersecurity services is likely to outpace all other IT functions - driven not by aspiration, but by necessity.

Although the opportunity for MSSPs is significant, they cannot do it alone. Behind each successful MSSP there is sophisticated technology, thoughtfully integrated into the overall portfolio. The task is far from simple – the ‘right’ technology needs to be:

Innovative: legacy approaches to emerging problems are destined to deliver rudimentary capabilities leading to suboptimal results.

Highly automated: deliver sophisticated machine-learning correlation and response to enhance human capabilities.

Platform-agnostic: avoid vendor lock-in leading to increased cost.

Highly flexible: Accommodate any customer environment. Improve customer capture rates while providing significant security-related benefits such as centralized visibility.

Scalable: ensure technology limitations do not get in the way of capturing customer demand.

This complex recipe is almost impossible for the vast majority of MSSPs to develop using purely in-house resources.

Choosing the right technology partnerships is a key ingredient to enable MSSPs to create service portfolios today, which are prepared to face the problems of tomorrow.

Discover how companies are turning to external partners for solutions and the importance of practical, day-to-day support in enhancing their security posture. Read the full report (in German) to explore the results and uncover valuable insights to fortify your cybersecurity strategy.

Marius Baczynski

Marius Baczynski

Marius Baczynski is Director of Cloud Security Services at Radware. Backed by more than 20 years' experience in cyber security sales and business development, he helps enterprises design and execute their digital transformation projects. Marius works with c-level execs to identify the right cloud strategy for their business and ensure that their migration to the cloud is secure and their applications are protected. Marius holds a Bachelor of Computer Science degree from University of Western Sydney, Australia and an MBA from Open University Business School in London, UK.

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