China Rockets to the Cloud – Don’t leave your ADCs on the Ground Last week I had a business trip to China, visiting our customers and new prospects. Our business in China is Ronen Kenig |September 28, 2011
ADC Consolidation: Handle with Care Similar to server consolidation, application delivery controller (ADC) consolidation can provide significant benefits to the data center. These benefits include Ronen Kenig |September 12, 2011
How Big Do You Have to be to Afford a Disaster Recovery Solution? The devastation wrought by superstorm Sandy is a stark reminder of just how fragile our environment is versus the power Yaron Azerual |November 20, 2012
The Radware Executive Exchange 2012: A Recap from Tel Aviv It’s not everyday you can get 300 intelligent, motivated and successful IT executives all in one place. But this past week Sharon Trachtman |November 19, 2012
Key Trends Impacting the Next-Gen Data Center – Part 2 In the first part of my blog series, I shed light on the key trends that impact the next-generation data Nir Ilani |May 29, 2012
How Application Delivery and Security Work Hand-in-Hand At first glance, application delivery and security might seem unrelated because they appear to solve and address different challenges from Nir Ilani |March 29, 2013
SDN Focus Shifts to Network Services Brad Casemore is Research Director for IDC’s Datacenter Networks practice and is a featured guest blogger.Cloud computing requires a datacenter Brad Casemore |March 04, 2013
4 Reasons to Shop Certified – ADC Selection Made Easy Industry leading application vendors - like Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, IBM, Blackboard, VMware and others - typically require strict certification processes Nir Ilani |June 27, 2011
A Not to be Missed Event for the Virtualization Community June 26th through June 29th the Red Hat community will be converging upon Boston for the Annual Red Hat Summit/ Meryl Robin |June 22, 2012
A Better Way to Deploy Applications in Today’s Data Centers (Part 2) As I started discussing in my last post on the topic, a vADC per aApplication and application shaping tools provides Meryl Robin |July 17, 2012
Key Trends Impacting the Next-Gen Data Center - Part 3 In the two former parts of my blog series, I shed light on the key trends impacting the next-generation data Nir Ilani |July 11, 2012
A Better Way to Deploy Applications in Today’s Data Centers (Part 1) Today, organizations need to support all types of end users that access services and applications in the data center. This Meryl Robin |July 10, 2012