The publicity given to devastating cyber-attacks on companies like Sony Pictures leads some mobile operators to believe that the uniqueness of the mobile network, service and device environment means they are nowhere near as vulnerable to DDoS and Advanced Persistent Threats (APT). However as mobile networks now become flatter, open and all-IP, the security threats that are commonplace in wireline are now building in wireless.
Leveraging survey data, and pointing to real examples which have not attracted the same level of publicity, I’m joining Heavy Reading for a webinar that will demonstrate just how vulnerable the network stability and confidential information of mobile operators becomes to DDoS attacks, especially as LTE scales. We will also outline how the mobile operator’s operations team and threat detection and mitigation capabilities need to evolve from wireline to wireless to protect its network assets and the user experience of its customers.
Dealing with DDoS Application Threats in Mobile Networks
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
10:00 AM New York / 3:00 PM London
This webinar will provide helpful information and guidance for Wireless Service Providers or MSOs providing mobile backhaul that are designing security architectures to protect against the coming tide of millions of mobile IP endpoints that are becoming both targets for attack as well as potential sources of attack.