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Media Coverage

What’s The Future Of IoT Security?

As we become increasingly dependent on smart technology and the internet of things, IoT security is becoming a very hot topic. In the past, the average person wasn’t all that fearful of computer viruses because they couldn’t lead to any physical harm. Unfortunately, the IoT has completely changed ...

Huffington Post

Need Ca$h? Sell Managed Security Services!

Managed security services are not only in demand right now, by businesses large and small, they also represent a way to boost revenue immediately and establish profit margins of 70% or higher, according to a new study from Heavy Reading.

Light Reading

Ask The Thought Leaders: What’s The Future of APIs?

APIs or application program interfaces are a collection of tools that programmers use when developing computer software. Specifically, the API is what allows the different programs and hardware components in a computer to interact. In years past, developers interacted with their API strictly ...

Huffington Post

Cyberattack Hits Ukraine Then Spreads Internationally

Computer systems from Ukraine to the United States were struck on Tuesday in an international cyberattack that was similar to a recent assault that crippled tens of thousands of machines worldwide.

The New York Times
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