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Media Coverage

Beware BrickerBot, the IoT Killer

IoT security (or the lack thereof) seems to pop up in the news a lot these days. Our Embedded Revolution reader survey and whitepaper highlights what developers think about this topic.

Electronic Design

BrickerBot is a vigilante worm that destroys insecure IoT devices

A hacker called The Janitor has created multiple versions of a program called BrickerBot, a system that searches out and bricks insecure IoT devices. A researcher named Pascal Geenens has followed the worm for a few weeks and has seen it pop up and essentially destroy infected webcams and other IoT ...


Nastier version of IoT botnet could brick your smart toaster

Two new versions of a nasty botnet called BrickerBot were spotted in the wild by researcher Pascal Geenens, who reported the latest attack for security firm Radware. Permanent denial-of-service botnets like these can infect poorly-protected IoT devices like smart toasters and web-enabled vibrators ...

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