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New Malware Intentionally Bricks IoT Devices

A new malware strain called BrickerBot is bricking Internet of Things (IoT) devices around the world by corrupting their storage capability and reconfiguring kernel parameters.

Bleeping Computer

Radware Discovers BrickerBot, a New Permanent DoS Botnet

Cybersecurity firm Radware has discovered a new Permanent Denial-of-Service (PDos) botnet, designed to render the victim’s hardware useless. Also known as “phlashing,” a PDoS attack can damage a system so badly that it requires replacement or reinstallation of hardware, the company said.

Data Center Knowledge

How the cloud can improve your customer engagement

Many discussions about the cloud center around the direct benefits businesses gain by using it, elements that are mostly hidden from consumers. There’s a good reason for that – the cloud offers a number of improvements when compared to local hosting – but only considering internally visible ...

Future of Commerce

Why we should define our right to privacy now, before it’s too late

The debate has stirred up again. Talk of wiretapping and government spying has spurred another bout of privacy versus security. Internet of Things (IoT) devices have raised suspicion that strangers are listening to us or watching us using everything from TVs to toys.

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