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Media Coverage

How To Avoid ATM Fraud When You Travel

Travel inherently includes some security risks, because part of security is knowing how things are supposed to work, so you can recognise what's sketchy. Go to a new city and you might fall for a taxi scam, get pick-pocketed — or get your money stolen by an ATM skimmer. We talked to ...

Life Hacker

How To Survive A Facebook Hack

Here we go again. Radware's threat research group recently announced that more than 40,000 Facebook users were duped into downloading a "Relieve Stress Paint" application, via a crafty phishing email, that stole their login credentials and browser cookies while they pretend-painted in ...

Life Hacker

How GDPR Will Impact the AI Industry

In what can be described as a kind of arms race, tech companies have been amassing large volumes of user data to hone the artificial intelligence algorithms that power their applications and platforms. Thus far, they've mostly been able to evade accountability when their practices have pushed ...

Fox News
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