Types of DDoS Attacks & Tools

Cyber-attacks have reached a tipping point in terms of quantity, length, complexity and targets. Read these short articles to get familiar with today’s most common types of DDoS attacks and tools and learn how to protect against these threats.

A Clear & Emerging Cyber-Security Threat: APDoS

The advanced persistent denial-of-service (APDoS) attack represents the very best of the worst. It is a clear and emerging cyber security threat that takes the finest that cyber assailants have developed in recent years and combines it into a multi-vector attack campaign that targets all layers of the IT infrastructure: network, server, and application.

March 6, 2016 02:00 PM

A Game of Cat and Mouse: Dynamic IP Address and Cyber Attacks

Dynamic IP addresses are an effective way to defeat IP-based defense systems: launch application-level attacks that originate from real—but dynamic—IP addresses. This paper outlines some of the most common variations of dynamic IP attacks, explores challenges in defending against them, and points to best practices for thwarting these attacks.

February 23, 2016 02:00 PM

Seven DDoS Attacks Targeting Network Resources

Types of DDoS attacks that target network resources use a large volume of illegitimate traffic to try to consume, or flood, all of a victim’s network bandwidth. In a typical flooding attack, the offense is distributed among an army of thousands of volunteered or compromised computers - a botnet - that sends a huge amount of traffic to the targeted site, overwhelming its network.

January 5, 2016 02:00 PM

DDoS Attacks Targeting Server Resources

Types of DDoS attacks that target server resources attempt to exhaust a server's processing capabilities or memory to cause a DDoS security weakness. An attacker takes advantage of an existing vulnerability on the target server or in a communication protocol. The target server - website, web application server, web application firewall, or intrusion prevention system - becomes so busy handling illegitimate requests that it can no longer handle legitimate requests.

January 5, 2016 02:00 PM

SSL-based DDoS Attacks

SSL is a method of encryption used by various network commuication protocols. Conceptually, SSL runs above TCP/IP, providing security to users communicating over other protocols by encrypting communications and authenticating communicating parties. SSL-based DoS attacks and DDoS attacks target the SSL handshake mechanism, send garbage data to the SSL server, or abuse functions related to the SSL encryption key negotiation process.

January 5, 2016 02:00 PM

DDoS Attacks Targeting Application Resources

Types of DDoS attacks that target server resources attempt to exhaust a server's processing capabilities or memory and aim to cause a DDoS security weakness. An attacker takes advantage of an existing vulnerability on the  target server or in a communication protocol. The target server - website, web  application server, web application firewall, or intrusion prevention system - becomes so busy handling illegitimate requests  that it can no longer handle legitimate requests.

January 5, 2016 02:00 PM

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